If you consider Springwood Adventist Church to be your home church, we want to ensure we have up-to date contact details for you. Your contact details (address, phone numbers, email) are used by pastors, office staff and ministry leaders where required (for example by children’s ministry leaders if your child falls ill during a program, or to inform you of coming events)


Tip: This allows us to celebrate your birthday!

Contact Details

Tell us how to get in touch with you.

Discipleship & Mission

Let us know where we can help you get connected. There are lots of different ways to be part of the church family at Springwood Adventist Church, as we grow together in Jesus Christ.

Tip: The more information you can give here, the easier to help your transfer

By submitting this form you agree to Springwood Adventist Church communicating with you for ministry purposes. Thank you for bring part of our Springwood SDA Church family!